Hello and welcome to this week’s @mrlukeniktravels blog. This week I am back on the mainland in Squamish, BC. As I have been staying with family this week there isn’t much to report on the travelling front. I shall, therefore, keep the post this week fairly short.
I travelled over from Nanamio on the ferry to Horseshoe Bay before travelling up to Squamish. The weather was really good and it felt little cruise rather than an everyday ferry. It was great to get up on the top deck and enjoy the warm sun. Seeing some of the smaller islands and wildlife, quite a few seals, was good too. These ferries are a good way to get around this part of Canada, particularly if flying is out of your budget.

One of the islands from the ferry to Horseshoe Bay.
I have managed to explore the town and spend a bit of time hiking in the surrounding area. It has been nice to get out without the smoke and enjoy some of the views. I am hoping to get up The Chief which is the mountain that overlooks the town while I’m here. The weather has not been great, especially yesterday when it rained the entire day. Still, the grass needs the watering to keep it nice and green!
While I’ve been here it has been nice to spend some time with plenty of locals. Some of whom were once from over the pond! It is really important, I think, to spend time with people who call the country you’re in home. One of the realities of travel is that it is easier to spend time with people who are from somewhere else. Whilst this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can lead to being detached from the country you’ve chosen to travel to. Everything in balance is the key.
During my time here I have been enjoying the local delicacies of salmon, maple syrup and apple pie. There are almost infinite combinations of those three foods so you can’t really get bored! Pacific salmon is truly fantastic and tastes quite different to Atlantic salmon. Apparently this because the fish have much further to swim so the flesh is denser. Maple syrup is a Canadian institution and is delicious. The small exception to this is a Mars bar with syrup which was not tasty at all- warning to us all!
That is about it for this week, I shall be back next week from further north in Whistler. I shall be back on the travel-wagon then. Between now and then, there is my Twitter feed @mrlukeniktravel and the Instagram @mrlukeniktravels. Until next time, stay saf and keeping travelling!

The local waterfalls.
P.S. “The city” is the local term referring to Vancouver, I shall be back there again soon!