
I’m a few days away from clambering on a plane to begin the first stage of my journey! The past couple of weeks have been busy with finishing packing possessions that are staying behind, cleaning and saying goodbyes. The latter of these, of course, being the most difficult.

It is rather strange to say goodbyes to family and friends saying ‘see you in an undefined amount of time’. That, I suppose, is one of the principal differences between going on holiday abroad and long-term travel. Closely following that is explaining that the itinerary is deliberately vague: it isn’t all sewn up before taking the first steps on the road. It can for some folk be difficult to comprehend planning as you go. I can assure you it is not always as liberating and freeing as perhaps first evident, but all the more fulfilling.

In sorting through my leave-behind possessions I have been discovering items I thought disappeared long ago, realised I really don’t need and triggered more than a little reminiscence. It has entailed- finally- putting those photos in a display folder and streamlining the shelves of books that aren’t often referenced. It is, I can personally attest, possible to exist without the escapism (perhaps distraction) of a games console once packed for storage. Who knew that guitar tuners and plectrums can breed unnoticed when left to their own devices?!

Composing this post has drained the dregs of the final pint, home stocks now at zero. Coffee beans depleted too. These are new times indeed.

So as I come to the end of this post, there are all sorts of emotions going on but principally excitement and no small amount of trepidation. The start line is almost here. Contenders ready!!!!

P.S. Gladiators was a favourite show of mine back in the day, so please indulge me in co-opting one of its most used phrases- reminiscing is great!