
Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome to the mrlukeniktravels blog and website! As you’ve probably guessed, my name is Luke. I’ll soon be heading off for a period of full-time travel and experiences. This is a (very!) steep learning curve for me, both in terms of going full-time on this and all the web-based requirements. I’m working hard on content as well as making everything slick and shiny as possible- hopefully soon it will be fully ninja.

So….I’m a twenty-something bloke who loves travelling. I have recently ended my employment in retail management to take the opportunity to spend some time travelling as a job (so to speak!), take a career break and spread my wings out of the south-east of England for longer than a two-week holiday.

I have been to a number of countries and places already, even though I didn’t fly on an airliner until the age of 21 so I’ve had quite a bit of catching up to do. Some of these places I will be re-visiting, many of them will be entirely new, That, of course, is the part of the fun spending time abroad even if it is for a weekend, fortnight or a whole year.

Right now I am busy with (apart from technology-related adventures) vaccinations, research for destinations, deciding what kit to take and packing up my current life in the UK. Sometimes these things are seen as being ‘boring’ but they need to happen so the exciting things can happen too!

I will be absolutely honest off the bat and say that, while preparing to leave is extremely exciting, I am also apprehensive about how things will pan out. Travelling full-time is, so it seems, a whole different level to my previous experiences. Further to that, solo travel is my chosen method so that brings risks but also great opportunities.

That said, I am really looking forward to embracing this new opportunity and all that comes with it! I’ll keep this post short for now, but I’ll be back soon with further updates soon.


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